Saturday, June 30, 2012

Noah likes smoothies

Best Buy had this great Hamilton Beach, single serve blender. Great for smoothies, especially when it is just me and Noah most of the time! There is almost always waste when we use the big blender, and this one has a lid just like a travel mug, so I don't have to dirty any cups!

I had two $5 rewards certificates to use and the blender was on sale for $15.99. So I got the blender for $5!!!!!

Noah absolutely loves it, look at these pictures:

I have no doubts that this blender will get $5 worth of use! I think we will call this the summer of smoothies.

Does anyone else's kids like smoothies this much? What does your child get this excited about?

Write you later.....Jordan

Wordless Wednesday

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Sundays with Papa

Sunday's are always our nights with Papa! This past Sunday we went out for my sisters 30th birthday with Papa. We had a great time and always do.

Below are some pictures of the kids running around after dinner at Smokey Bones. Papa was the keeper of the kiddos. He did a pretty good job!

The boys kept picking up the mulch and handing it to papa, who would then throw the mulch back into the bed. They had a fun time with that game.

Noah and Papa smiling for the camera
Wyatt and Papa smiling

The boys: figuring out what trouble they can get into

Carissa, Papa and Me

Happy birthday again Kissa. We had a great weekend as always! How was your weekend?

Write you later.....Jordan

Monday, June 18, 2012

Bumps , bruises and scrapes...oh my

So, I have decided recently that boys are just more accident prone than girls are.

My sister has a girl and a boy, and she seems to agree! Jillian is almost 4 and she has had a few falls, but Wyatt her son has had more falls and scrapes than she can remember with Jillian when she was his age.

Below are just a few of Noah's bumps, bruises and scrapes!

This picture is when we were over at Carissa's for the weekend and he busted his lip. If your kid has ever done this you know the blood just keeps coming. A little scary the first time it happens!

This picture is a little difficult to see, but he has a large goose egg on his head. I can't remember what he feel into, but it was pretty substantial in size!

This picture is from Derby when he fell into a decorative chest on the floor. He busted his chin. He still has a little bit of a scar,but it doesn't look too bad!

This last picture is after he scraped his leg climbing a concrete step at his Memaw and Pop Pop's house!

This concludes my theory that boys are more accident prone than girls!!!! I am sure there are many more to come...........and I am so looking forward to all of them. NOT!

Write you later.....Jordan

Monday, June 11, 2012

Where does the time go?

I can't believe Noah is almost 17 months old! It is crazy to me that I have had my little man for that long.

I don't know if any other parents feel the same way as me, but when Noah does or learns something new I am so excited and sad at the same time. Obviously I want him to continue to learn new things- which is the excitement and warm fuzzies I get, but I am also a bit sad that he is growing up so fast. Am I crazy, or do any of you feel that way to?

Noah has recently learned how to play with this train set I bought him this past Christmas. It's small but cute!

He even knows how to press the button and make the train go now!

At 17 months:

Noah can say: dad, mom, dog, cat, Wyatt, kissa, jilly, thank you, yes, bless you, Uh oh, nana (like banana) and I am sure there are others I am missing

He can: quack like a duck, growl like Simba of off the Lion King, shake his head no

He likes to: try and open doors (he can open French doors if they are low enough), try to climb on anything, get down from the couch, be outside, put toys away, throw things in the trash when told (I like this sometimes, but he also had a weird fascination with trash cans)

I love it when: I rock him at night (because he still likes to cuddle), he gives me kisses and hugs, he knows "mommies song" is over and he takes his paci out of his mouth to give me a good night kiss!!!!!

He eats: almost any fruit, almost any vegetable, mac n cheese, yogurt, some deli meat, but not much hamburger or chicken.....we haven't tried fish yet

Weighs: around 25 lbs (not an exact number)

Height: 32 inches tall (no exact number here, just guessing)

Noah is into everything all the time. He has a bit of a temper if you take something from him that he wants and can throw quite a fit, but he can also be the sweetest kid in the world! I love you so much son and wouldn't change you for the world!

Thanks for reading!

Write you later.....Jordan

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Weekend Fun

This past weekend my sister and her family went to her sister-in-laws for the day, so I decided to do the same!

Noah and I went to my sister-in-laws and took everyone to her daughters fast pitch softball game!

Noah had a great time. He watched them play, pulled his wagon, threw a ball around, went swinging, played on the playground, went down a slide and walked around the ball field with his Aunt Stephanie and cousin Zack!

We went back to Steph's house for a little R&R, then Emma and I picked up some pizza and went back to their house. We watched the end of ET and then we went for a walk in the neighborhood. They have a beautiful fish pond do we went to look at that. Noah had a great time, but was getting tired.

After we were back at the house we all settled in to watch Ice Age: The Melt Down and most everyone drifted off to sleep. We had such a fun time! Great to hang out with those guys!

Sunday we went to church and then PaPas house afterward.

We ate lunch and went outside to swim, but the water was a little cold.

Jillian was in the pool the longest, I guess kids just don't care about the cold like we adults do!

Noah and Wyatt played in the water table and kept running around corners away from where Carissa and I could see them.....the sneaky little boogers! Noah also played with the golf set and bag, his favorite toy at my dads. His daddy loves it!

Hello everyone!

Being a caddy.

Carissa and I tried to lay out but that wasn't a big success. We were outside for about two hours and then the kids were tired so we all went inside to crash on PaPas couch!

Me, Noah and Jillian snoozing.

Out like a light!

Carissa was the only one who didn't fall asleep. She watched her favorite movie, The Notebook!

Hope everyone had a fun weekend.

Write you later.....Jordan

Friday, June 1, 2012

All about my Noah

Well, since I did no start my blog until my son was 16 months old, I am going to go back to the beginning of our story.

Noah Mitchell Lardner

Born: January 13, 2011 
Time: 12:48 pm
Weight: 6lbs 14oz
Inches: 20
Hospital: Baptist East
Doctor: Dutton

I remember the doctor handing him to me after he was born then looking at my sister and husband and saying, "someone should really post this on Facebook." They both kind of looked at me and laughed, but my sister was very quick and up went the post!

Baptist East was implementing this program called kangaroo care. This is where baby and mom have skin to skin contact as soon as the baby is born. I knew for sure that I wanted to do this.

While we were in the hospital the doctor told us that Noah was Jaundice and we needed to have a bili-blanket to take home with us. If any of you know what this is, you will agree that it does not look like a blanket at all. It plugs into the wall anis attached to a machine that look like a small projector. When it turns on the tube that runs to the "blanket" turns the blanket blue. The blanket had to be on him all of the time and then we went to the hospital every day to have his blood tested to see if he was still Jaundice. After three full days of the bili-blanket we were finally able to send it back!

Noah loved to be held as a baby, and I loved to hold him. I know that he was, and still is, a little spoiled, but he is my first baby and all I wanted to do was hold him. My husband loved to cuddle with him as well.

I remember at his 2 week check up our Pediatrician told my husband and me that no parents of a 2 week old should look as good as we did. I loved that comment!

Write you later.....Jordan